

Who Am i ?

I’m Rakib Dewan, a professional and Experienced Graphic Designer and Trainer in Bangladesh. I have well experience in Graphic designing with a demonstrated history of working in the Freelancing industry and i am still learning a lot every day. I have a great passion for working as a desinger and I always remain alert to learn more about my field and improve my skills. I am passionate and enthusiastic to design and have capability to create extraordinary designs with high visual impact according to the needs and requirements of the clients.. Now I am Working on Graphic Designing field over 4+ years and my passion made me confident. Also, help me to take my knowledge to the next level. Alhmdulillah

I started my journey on online since i was in college days. Then I started gathering interest in Graphic deigns and I observed some of very Experienced Graphic Designers in Bangladesh and learnt many things from them…After practicing, I became more skilled in this sector. I have Created this Website just only to share my knowledge on Freelancing. Although I already unlocked the big achieve like other Experienced Graphic Designers in Bangladesh to tell to other also I am really happy with my position and I believe that everyone (Beginner’s in Graphic design) will be benefited from this website.


My Working Experience ( Local and International )

I have been working in many Local Companies for 5 years. I have completed many Local projects and all the clients have been very satisfied with my work. The Local companies have many expert and Experienced Graphic Designers of Bangladesh. They observed my work and appreciated it. Now I am working there as a senior Graphic Designer.

However, I am involved in many other well known companies. I have attended many meetings and seminars.
When i found myself in difficulties working alone and found problems , I created a team of some senior and experienced Graphic designers in Bangladesh. Now I, with the team are completing many projects easily.

After doing many local projects I realized that I should start working on International platforms. We worked team wisely. We handled many International company’s Tasks successfully and they are also very satisfied with our work.

Besides, I am working on many International Market places ( Fiverr, Upwork, Freelancer.) and reusable market place ( Graphic river, Creative Market, Code Graph, 99 Design )
I have my portfolio there.

Altogether my career on Graphic Design is going well as per my expectations. And I am very happy with my position.

My extra Contribution Towards the Beginner’s in Bangladesh :

I have been serving many students as an professional Trainer. I am now training them to become expert in Graphic designing world. As I am a Experienced and responsible Graphic Designer in Bangladesh, my moral duty is to teach or enlighten the Beginner graphic designers who are struggling to enrich their Knowledge about designing. That’s why recently I am teaching and guiding them with proper knowledge to become a expert designer as we want every one should become successful to their goal of life. To become an Expert Graphic designer, you have to be confident about yourself and have to be courageous in life.

Throughout my journey I have faced many problems but I never look behind rather I always have been confident and worked harder than before. That’s how i have succeeded in my life.




Experienced Graphic Designer in Bangladesh
Working Time
Successful Projects
Happy Clients
Countries of Work
Total Students
10 +